Yinzer-- I could be you. Similar age, college educated, and my husband always asks me what my passions are. What I want for the future. I have never known- we never had a future growing up. He says I handle everything like a task to be completed but have no joy. We have education, great kids, great marriage, and money to enjoy life. Why is that not enough? What is wrong with me? It's not that I want more, but I feel empty.
My husband, a non born in, converted for me during med school. Looking back, he says being a JW totally F*ed up his med/residency life. He can now see and understand- being a JW he never felt so dead, unenthusiastic, judgmental, and worthless in his life. Constantly hearing at meeting you are not good enough, all the judgement, man made rules, ridiculous 'study' articles... He feels he has his life back. He can be himself again. He has a zeal and practices different, his partners even have noticed a huge shift in the last 6 months. I am jealous he can 'go back' to who he is, but I don't know who 'i am'